Nathan Chen, down for the count after flu, amazes coach to win fourth U.S. title
/Happy pair: Nathan Chen and coach Rafael Arutunian after Chen won his fourth straight U.S. title (Getty Images.)
GREENSBORO, N.C. – Rafael Arutunian showed me a photo on his phone of Nathan Chen sleeping on the floor in a dressing room at Great Park Ice Arena when he was supposed to be practicing earlier this month.
Arutunian said he could have taken the same picture on eight days in the 2 1/2 weeks they spent together at his Irvine, Calif., training base during Chen’s semester break from Yale.
Arutunian would see the flu-ridden and feverish Chen curled up asleep, turn off the light, leave the room and wait until Chen woke up before trying to have him do any training.
In the past, Arutunian said, Chen could train through sickness. This time it was futile.
“He couldn’t move,” Arutunian said.
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