After pushing sport's limits again, Nathan Chen earned his rare celebration
/Nathan Chen’s fist pump punctuated his record-breaking short program.
His right arm came flying through the air in an arcing fist pump, a public gesture of intensity rare for Nathan Chen but one that was perfectly understandable when it happened.
"I have no idea what came over me," Chen would say. "It just felt right."
He was happy. And relieved. And expressing in one brief, emphatic movement what Chen called "a full spectrum of emotions you can feel in one moment," the moment that followed his flawless and impassioned skating.
For an athlete who admits to a predilection for keeping things bottled up, this was the time to let the cork pop.
After all, Chen had once again exploded his sport’s limits, and this time he did it in the Olympics, the competition where he had imploded four years ago.
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