Isabeau Levito repeats new mantra to reduce stress of figure skating nationals
/Isabeau Levito with her 2023 Skate America silver medal (U.S. Figure Skating)
It wasn’t very long after winning her first senior national figure skating championship last January that Isabeau Levito began to look at it less as a crowning achievement and more as an albatross around her neck.
Levito almost immediately began to feel pressure about successfully defending the title, her sleep disturbed by thoughts of what would happen if she did not repeat as champion.
She had gone from a 2023 head space of competing with nothing to lose to one in which she worried about having everything to lose at the Prevagen U.S. Championships that begin Thursday in Columbus, Ohio.
“Honestly, it was kind of in the back of my mind ever since I won nationals last year,” Levito said. “A month later, I was already thinking about how stressed I would be for the next nationals, knowing that I felt not winning would be losing something.”
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